One of our family’s autumn traditions is enjoying a day at the Renaissance Festival. The last weekend of the season always includes a “school day” when the tickets are much more affordable and the crowds are much sparser. Although Daddy had to work this year, we convinced Gammy and Othy to join us in the fun. It was a beautiful 75 degree, partially sunny day, perfect for walking around and taking in the sites. There is so much eye candy and food for the imagination at the Renaissance Festival… not to mention some very entertaining people watching. We wanted to share a bit of the magic with everyone.
Shopping at the Renaissance Festival
We met some lovely venders… some who even knew us. We can’t help but feel a little giddy when we run into a fan in real life. We came home with a few new treasures including a staff, a wand, a crossbow, and unicorn horns.
Playing at the Renaissance Festival
Non motorized rides, jousting, sword fighting, axe throwing, archery… there is always plenty to do.
Fairy Gardens at the Renaissance Festival
The girls enjoyed taking a stroll through the several Fairy Garden path set up throughout the fair grounds. Pixie and Fairy blended right in.